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How to apply California Driver License - Part 1

How to apply California Driver License - Part 1

It's been almost a month since I came to the U.S., and right after getting my SSN, the next stop was tackling the driver's license.
Today, I'm sharing my prep journey for the written test, breaking it down into two steps: diving into the handbook and hitting the practice questions

All the test questions are straight from the handbook, available in various languages.
If you're a quick reader in Chinese, there's a Traditional Chinese version 😉
Click here to download the handbook

After selecting your language, hit the download button for the handbook to pop up.

Some early chapters might be a bit of unnecessary chatter 😂
The actual driving content kicks off from Section 5. I recommend taking notes while reading to save you from re-read the whole handbook before test.

I'm sharing the notes I took during my prep! The notes are the cream of the crop, with about an 80% hit rate in the actual exam I took.
Here are some notes for preview!
dmv written test
ohohsmile's DMV Written Test Note 
There is only 1 or 2 questions on the test that were not covered in the handbook and on my note.

After diving into the handbook, I shifted gears to practicing with question banks.
Though opinions vary on their effectiveness, I found it helpful to identify the focal points for extra reinforcement before the test.
I tried several websites, but this one (Click Here!) stood out, covering a broad range of topics.
Don't forget to give it a shot before your big day! 🚗✨

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